Commencement is the most formal activity of a student's high school years and the school district's public acknowledgement of high school completion. The cap and gown are formal educational attire. With this in mind, we REQUIRE that all seniors choosing to participate in the commencement activity dress appropriately. The attire to be worn under the commencement gown is as follows:
Males: Dress slacks, Dress socks, Dress shoes, (no recreational shoes, such as sneakers, flip-flops, etc.), Dress shirt & tie, NO SHORTS or SUNGLASSES.
Females: Drees skirt, Dress slacks, or Dresses, Dress shoes (no recreational shoes), NO SHORTS or SUNGLASSES.
Do not bring purses, camera, bags, cell phone, etc., to the ceremony. Students not adhering to the dress code will be sent home to change.
Behavior: Commencement is regarded as the most formal of scholastic ceremonies. Seniors are celebrating the completion of 13 years of education. Friends and relatives come to honor their achievement. We encourage parents and guests to participate in the ceremony in a very dignified manner. We would ask that friends and family not bring whistles, aerosol horns or other noisemakers to the ceremony. The use of these items distracts from the dignity of the ceremony. Please remain quiet during the ceremony. Participating in the ceremony is an option you all deserve.
Senior class advisors & staff members will be available on graduation night to help with any questions you may have.